Professional Certificate Course
With law enforcement staffing shortages, budgets being slashed and privatization of many public safety services inevitable, now is the time to be on the cutting edge of this specialized area of private safety and law enforcement services!
As the private security industry continues to evolve, split, and become a tiered profession, the opportunities for professionally trained and certified security-police and private public safety agencies continues to rise.
Entry level security agencies compete for the same type of clients, recruit from the same available labor pool and are often restricted in the ability to charge a fair price for their services.
This course clearly marks the path for greater opportunities while establishing your company as a different type of private services provider.
In 2012, thirteen communities hired private security agencies to conduct patrols of their streets, respond to non emergency calls, write parking tickets and or citations, respond to medical emergencies and to provide an array of non-traditional security services.
29 states now authorize private security personnel with statutory or commission law enforcement authority to make arrests, conduct searches, transport prisoners and operate private law enforcement departments within schools, hospitals, private businesses and non governmental agencies.
Topics Covered Include:
- The basic security company structure and philosophy
- The evolution of the private security industry
- Changing perceptions through training, marketing and creative services
- The Art of Negotiations
- Recruiting tiered level employees
- Employee retention-training-engagement
- Establishing a public safety agency
- The right people, services, equipment and goals
This course is available:
On campus
On-site seminar
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